I am for Kamala Harris over Donald Trump because I am for protecting democracy.

And? I am NOT a fan of con artists and the obscenely rich. 

The essential rights and freedoms promised in our Constitution matter more to me than greed.

Given the choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris? 

Kamala Harris is, in my opinion, the President we need. 


Kamala Harris is committed to preserving the integrity of our democratic institutions. Unlike her opponent (and apparently his party), Kamala Harris and her party stand for the peaceful transfer of power and the right of every eligible voter to cast their ballot without obstruction. 

The job of an American President is not to be a dictator (even just for a day).

This election is about electing a leader who will serve as president - a centuries-old role - in our balanced system.

Loyalty to one individual - above all that is right and decent – is not the American way.

We must restore trust in our democracy.

We must uphold transparency and accountability under the law.

A President should not subvert the laws and then plead immunity.

If the Supreme Court will not act to restore the rule of law over all citizens (including elected officials) then Congress must.

For two and a half centuries, America has promised that hard work will lead to economic prosperity. 

But? Consider the 2017 tax law enacted by and under the convicted fraudster Donald Trump. If that law is extended (as it will be if Trump wins)? Households with over $450,000 income per year would receive more than 45% of the benefits.  

That kind of economic unfairness damages everyone. 

It takes money away from education, healthcare, and defense. 

In the last three and a half years, America has become internationally and domestically stronger (no matter what you hear on Fox News).

As the global economy sputters, America has been aggressively adding new good-paying jobs. And despite the depraved picture that Trump paints? America remains a global leader in innovation

I trust Kamala Harris to lead America during the ongoing global fight for innovation. 

And I certainly don't trust Donald Trump - who famously doesn't pay his bills - to support American workers - who deserve fair wages and labor rights.

The dignity of a good job and old age with security are not key features of what Donald Trump and the authors of "Project 2025" are focussed on.

Ask yourself? Who would you trust to prioritize the needs of working families? Kamala Harris? Or the serial fraudster behind tax cuts for billionaires, whose judicial appointments have stripped away reproductive freedoms from women?

Kamala Harris is my choice to safeguard the rights and freedoms of every individual.  

Kamala Harris, not Donald Trump, will pursue equality for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or race. And that includes access to reproductive health care for all.

Every Presidential election is about the future of our country. This year? Kamala Harris is my choice. A choice for unity and progress.
